Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Malam semalam .

I cant help but to stalk on your profile . Its not that Im jealous or Im dying to know about you , its just , I want to know whats going on with you . I know I always sounds so stupid . I've moved on *like I always said* but , something kept me hanging on . Im still hoping that you would change , Good for you that youre now in a relationship with someone , doesnt matter . Im much older than the first time I met you , and I believe I knew you so well . I wonder what makes you do that thing again , in the end all of us know that the she'll get hurt , as bad as I did before . I pity them like seriously . I've screwed up my sweet sixteen life , I dont want hers to be upside down like mine before .

She's not my sister not my cousin , we're not even friends , but we're girls . And we girls always understands each other . I dont want that poor kid to face the same thing I had to face and try my best to survive . I know this is silly , but you are the kind of guy who knows how to make girls feels alright . Well thats sucks actually.

Pokoknya semalam mood takde sebab ternampak kau ada mangsa baru . Dan aku sangat kasihankan dia . Well I just should butt out , thats what im doing , sometimes aku masih rasa tertipu . Macam selama ini apa dia cakap kat aku tu apa ? Bila rasa tertipu aku terus jadi ala ala stereotype . Aku rasa macam lelaki semua sama walaupun mereka lain lain perangai .

Aku tengok orang lain semua dah berubah , tapi kau masih keanak-anakan , masih tak dapat nak fikir dengan penuh matang , aku tak pasti itu dilakukan dengan sengaja atau tanpa disedari . Namun yang demikian , aku berharap kau dapat dan akan jadi a better person in future . May all you wish come true , semoga bahagia dengan life yang kau pilih .

Aku tak nafikan yang kadang kadang aku rindu dan boleh kata aku sayang . Tapi aku harus tekan kan disitu bahawa aku tak mahu kita together again , it wont happen and it shouldnt happen . Sebab kita tak sesuai bersama , setiap orang yang saling menyayangi tidak semestinya bersama selamanya tanpa izin tuhan mu . And I believe , youre not my destiny , youre just my favourite past time , and I believe Allah telah susunkan kehidupan yang baik buat aku , dan Insyaallah , lelaki yang bakal aku dampingi turut baik buat diriku . Mustahil allah ingin menjahanamkan umatnya .

Pilihan malam ini ,

Where Do I Begin nyanyian Andy Williams . Ini ialah soundtrack bagi filem Love Story pada tahun 70-an :)
Ini ialah trailer bagi filem tersebut .

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