Saturday, November 20, 2010


Tonight ,
I just wanna lay down and cry,
I just wanna lay down and cry,
I just wanna lay down and cry .

Tonight ,
I find that Im weak .
I miss you , I miss you .

I am too afraid to tell you .
I am too afraid to know the new you .
I am too afraid of everything .

I thought I wasnt feeling anything , I thought I was neutral like I said repeatedly .
I thought I was neutral but I wasnt . I wasnt as neutral as I thought .

I dont know you , I dont know you , do you know me ? I bet you dont anymore .
I used to know you .

I want you to take care of me like you used to . I want you to know everything like you used to .
I could accept your changes if it isnt this bad. Now Im afraid to spit the words out to you . Youre like a superior . I cant tell you anything . I cant talk to you about anything . and I just want to lay down and cry .

I love you , I told you in the last text I sent before you went off. But that text message wasnt sent because you switched it off . I could understand that . You forgot me for the first two weeks. Apology accepted though it wasnt asked . Then you told me you were happy , and I was too . I tried to go over , but I couldnt . Aunt Cheryl asked me zilliontimes to go over and see you . But I just couldnt because you dont mean that much to me and I believe that things wouldnt go so far .

I hope you would listen to me . You have no time for me , and breaks my heart when we talked like a stranger . It breaks my heart when I have to create a reason to talk to you . It breaks my heart badly . Im crushed .

I feel numb. I couldnt move my feet . My heart is in pain . Maybe because Ive been keeping it inside for so long . I thought I would be fine . but Im not fine at all .

I missssssssss you .

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